The movie Flight with Denzel Washington was released into theaters just a few months ago on November 2, 2012. In the short period of time since its release, there has been a fair amount of media attention given to Anheuser-Busch’s objections to a scene in the movie where Whip Whitaker, the alcoholic airplane pilot portrayed by Mr. Washington, is drinking a Budweiser while driving a car. Anheuser-Busch had asked that the Budweiser logo be removed or obscured in future showings of the film and on the version to be released on DVD and other mediums. If you have picked up the film at your local Redbox since its DVD release on February 5, 2013, however, you will note that Paramount Pictures has not acceded to this request.
09 Jun '13
The Koenig Law Group, LLC is now open for business.
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Trademark Law is a Dull Sword against Unflattering Product Placement in the Movies
Maryland Taxes and Fees Set to Increase July 1, 2013
New Maryland Laws Effective July 1, 2013